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4th of November 2006


International Kennel Club all breed Show in Växjö, (S)


CH Malomközi Zizi


CACIB, BOB and Best in Group-reserve


CH Illebölle's Anja


 BIS-1 Anja and BIS-3 Zizi


Supreme Best in Show-1


19th of August 2006

It was a day when the rain never stopped...


The Swedish German Pointer Club Show in Vårgårda (S)

(club for the 3 x GP, Kl. & Gr. Munsterländer

and the Hungarian Vizsla)


Our "Grand Lady", the Kleiner Munsterländer

CH Illebölle's Anja

(11 years old)


Best of Breed and BEST IN SHOW-1






 and the GSP

CH Malomközi Zizi


Best of Breed and BEST IN SHOW-3








And later on when all the different BIS-winners

from all the Breed Clubs

who had their shows on that show ground

competed in the "grande finale" then

Anja also managed to be



Supreme BEST IN SHOW-1 !!!










8th of July 2006


National Kennel Club all breed Show in Tvååker (S)





CH Malomközi Zizi




Best of Breed and Best in Group-2










1st of July 2006


National Kennel Club all breed Show in Borås (S)



CH Malomközi Zizi


Best of Breed and Best in Group-2




21st of May 2006


International Kennel Club all breed Show in Hässleholm (S)

(3758 entries)


CH Malomközi Zizi


Proud winner!


CACIB,  BOB, Best in Group-1




19th of March 2006


International Kennel Club all breed Show in Malmö (S)

(4513 entries)


CH Malomközi Zizi


The first show for Zizi in Sweden went well...




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